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DTOK 300-200-250-250 Insulated

Manufactured 1-2 Days






Minimum quantity




Double Branch Take Off (DTOK) is a duct fitting designed to split airflow into 3 separate branches, helping in the efficient delivery of supply and return air.

  • 300Ø Duct Spigot in 2 x250Ø Duct Spigot Out & 1 x200Ø Duct Spigot Out
  • Available as an optional extra with manual volume control dampers for better airflow management.

Fabricated from Kingspan KoolDuct panel, pre-insulated, light weight and easy to install, as no extra lagging is required. 

Operating Temperature Limits -26°C to +85°C
Material R-value 22 mm = R1.0

Manufactured by Airflow - The HVAC Shop